29, 30 September-1,2 & 3 October 2013

 Athina, Greece

Echo & Polis
SDMed organises a major festival event in September-October, 2013, in Athens, entitled EchoPolis- Days of Sound : “Sounds, Noise and Music in re-thinking sustainable city and the eco-neighborhoods”. The “EchoPolis-Days of Sound”Event, being the first edition of a series of events to be held in cities all over the Mediterranean and the Balkans will focus on the objective "Re-inventing emotions in the City" and to the consideration of environmental sounds as a 'resource' rather than a 'waste'.

Scientific committees

Διεθνής Συμβουλευτική Επιστημονική Επιτροπή

Maria Gravari-Barbas (FR)
George Prevelakis (FR)
Ayse Nur-Okten (TR)
Maria Prezioso (IT)
Petros Petsimeris (FR)
Ilias Beriatos (GR)
Vassilios Tsihrintzis (GR)
Thanos Vlastos (GR)
Yannis Psycharis (GR)
George Poulakos (GR)
Anastasia Georgaki (GR)
Pavlos Loukakis (GR)
Alexis Deffner (GR)
Sophia Avgerinou-Kolonia (GR)
Despina Serghides (CY)
Minas Angelidis (GR)
Bruno Vincent (FR)
Anne Azam-Pradeilles (FR)
Nicolas Remy (FR,GR)
Isabelle Baer (FR)
Anastasia Karandinou (UK)

Εθνική Επιστημονική Επιτροπή

Stella Kyvelou (GR),Conference Chair
Lydia Sapounaki-Dracaki (GR)
Οlga Papadaki ( GR)
Antonios Rovolis (GR)
Kostas Theologou (GR)
Christos Ladias (GR)
Margarita Karavassili (GR)
Antonios Papadopoulos (GR,BE)
Georgia Aifadopoulou (GR)
Christos Floros (GR)
Sylvie Gruszow (GR,FR)


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