29, 30 September-1,2 & 3 October 2013

 Athina, Greece

Echo & Polis
SDMed organises a major festival event in September-October, 2013, in Athens, entitled EchoPolis- Days of Sound : “Sounds, Noise and Music in re-thinking sustainable city and the eco-neighborhoods”. The “EchoPolis-Days of Sound”Event, being the first edition of a series of events to be held in cities all over the Mediterranean and the Balkans will focus on the objective "Re-inventing emotions in the City" and to the consideration of environmental sounds as a 'resource' rather than a 'waste'.

Call for Papers



ECHOPOLIS invites contributions on research and technological development as well as particularly innovative case studies in the following areas:


  1. Sound and Noise in sustainable cities and eco-neighborhoods
  2. Sound design and eco-innovation in cities
  3. Sound and music in emotional architecture and emotional city
  4. Sustainable abatement of noise by optimized combinations of natural and artificial means
  5. Sound and Noise in sustainable buildings and buiiding acoustics
  6. Balancing energy performance, thermal insulation, acoustic comfort and air quality in buildings
  7. Sonic environment and noise in building certification schemes



  1. Sound and Noise in transport infrastructure
  2. Traffic noise- railing noise -aircraft noise and measures of abatement
  3. Sound environment, Noise, Music, city attractiveness and sustainable tourism
  4. Soundscapes, Heritage and Tourism
  5. Sonic Geography-Sonic Landscapes-Sonic Ecology
  6. Sound Heritage and soundscapes
  7. Urban and rural quiet areas-Sound and noise Cartography-Strategic noise plans
  8. Noise exposure and effects on health, Noise action plans, annoyance maps
  9. Low noise wind turbines and implications in human health
  10. Noise at school: health issues, impact on learning


Submission of abstracts is now closed.

You can submit your FULL PAPER in format DOC, DOCX  or PDF through the same online submission form. you used for your the submission of your abstract.

Abstract Submission Guidelines

  • Full title
  • Author names as well as the corresponding author's full address and contact details.
  • Applicable topic number (see above).
  • Keywords
  • Purpose of the work - methodology - scientific results
  • One A4 page (text minimum 320 words) plus optionally one A4 page with figures and/or references.
  • PDF Format
  • Please make sure that only low resolution figures are included in the abstract.
  • Language: English or French

Deadline:  Submission of abstracts is now closed.

Selection criteria

The abstracts will be evaluated by an international expert panel. The acceptance or refusal of the abstract will be based on several criteria such as innovative value, context, quality of expression, and appropriateness to ECHOPOLIS aims, theoretical and practical implications. The scientific committee will take a preliminary decision as to the presentation framework of the contributions (oral, poster),to be confirmed subject to the full paper meeting expected standards.

Full papers

Authors of abstracts accepted by the scientific committee will be invited to submit a full paper of six-ten (6-10) A4 pages for the conference proceedings. The deadline for paper submission will be 15 August 2013. Papers will be verified for language, form and content by one member of the scientific committee (or more if rejection or change of presentation mode are considered). All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings subject to conference attendance of at least one of the authors.

ATTENTION !!!!  You can use the  online submission form  to submit your Full Paper ( preferably in DOCX FORMAT )

Author guidelines


Papers will be presented during oral and poster sessions. A preliminary decision as to the relevant session will be made by the scientific committee on the basis of the abstract, to be confirmed after review of the final paper by one member of the scientific committee. Within the poster exhibition, there will be space available for software presentations. 

General Information

The official conference languages are both English, French and Greek.

Authors will be notified regarding the acceptance of their abstract for an oral or a poster presentation by June 30 2013. The deadline for submission of the full paper is  15 August 2013  

By submitting a full paper the authors agree that the paper can be made available as part of the proceedings on paper, electronic supports and the internet.

The deadline for author registration and early fee payment is 30 June 2013

The proceedings will be available at the conference on an electronic support, which will be distributed with a book of abstracts to all conference participants. A printed version will be published after the conference and is not included in the conference price. Futhermore selected papares will be published in International Reviews ( e.g a special volume of Cambridge Scholar Publishers, a special issue of "Greek Architects" magazine  etc.).

For all enquiries, please contact the conference manager: +30 210 9236206 /+30 6944837586 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Abstract Submission

Please submit your abstract in the format specified in Abstract Submission Guidelines




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