29, 30 September-1,2 & 3 October 2013

 Athina, Greece

Echo & Polis
SDMed organises a major festival event in September-October, 2013, in Athens, entitled EchoPolis- Days of Sound : “Sounds, Noise and Music in re-thinking sustainable city and the eco-neighborhoods”. The “EchoPolis-Days of Sound”Event, being the first edition of a series of events to be held in cities all over the Mediterranean and the Balkans will focus on the objective "Re-inventing emotions in the City" and to the consideration of environmental sounds as a 'resource' rather than a 'waste'.

Sponsorship conditions

Significance of the Conference sponsorship 

  • Connecting the sponsor with the movement to support a conference which aims at presenting innovation and best practice in the conference’s subject and area of interest
  • Direct Communication  with the audience, professionals and scientists of the conference
  • Indirect contribution and connecting the sponsor with the eco-culture

Sponsorship Levels

Golden Sponsor

Main Sponsor



Sponsorship Benefits

The Sponsor’s benefits are divided into three categories for best achieving the goals of the sponsorship which is the connection of the brand (awareness) and the communication with the event’s audience.

Benefits before the event

  • Exposure through the conference’s advertizing in the press and electronic media.
  • Promotion of the Sponsor on posters
  • Promotion of the Sponsor on invitations of journalists for the press conference
  • Mention of the sponsor in Press Releases
  • Promotion of the Sponsor through the Conference’s website 

Benefits during the event

The aim is to promote the Sponsors through a series of actions such as:

  • Sponsor’s logo on the main entrance banner
  • Sponsor’s logo in the electronic communication material (schedule) that will be sent to delegates before the conference
  • Sponsor’s Kiosk for product distribution
  • Mention of the Sponsor during the conference’s opening & closing ceremony
  • Listing of the Sponsor in the Conference Programme
  • Leaflet and Product distribution in the area of the conference
  • Promotion of the Sponsor through the conference’s website
  • Mention of the Sponsor and Sponsor’s logo in the conference’s programme

Benefits after the event 

The aim of this action is to create a post-conference connotation effect concerning  the sponsorship:

  • Mention of the Sponsor in Press Releases
  • Link to the  Sponsor’s corporate website, for one year, through the conference’s website
  • Identification of the Sponsors with environmental and noise protection,  improvement of quality of sound environment, improvement of life quality in the city, health protection, positive economic effects, considering noise not as a waste but as a wealth. 


    20.000 € 10.000 € 6.000 € 2.000 €
BENEFITS BEFORE THE EVENT Promotion through the conference's advertising campaign in the press ( audio and video spots, reference in interviews etc.) x      
Sponsor's logo on posters (electronic and hard-copy) x      
Mention of the Sponsor in Press Releases x x x x
Sponsor's banner in the area of the press conference x    
Promotion of the sponsor through the conference's website x x x x
BENEFITS DURING THE EVENT Mention of the Sponsor and logo in the conference's programme x x x  
Sponsor's logo included in electronic material that will be sent to delegates x x x x
Mention during the conference's opening & closing ceremony x x x  
Listing in the conference's programme x x x  
Leaflet Distribution - Product Distribution x x x x
Promotion of the sponsor through the conference's website x x x  
BENEFITS AFTER THE EVENT Mention of the Sponsor in Press Releases x x x  
Link to the Sponsor’s corporate website, for one year, through the conference’s website x x    
Sponsor's logo in the SDMed International Association Website for 2 years. x      
Identification of the sponsor with environmental and noise protection and sound design at city scale x x x x


Interested in Sponsorship? See our list of sponsor benefits here.


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